Married with Children Wiki

Big Bad Momma is a female wrestler who was part of the Las Vegas-based all female wrestling group, GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling).

She appears in "You Gotta Know When to Fold 'Em (Part 2)", portrayed by Lynn Braxton, who wrestled for GLOW as this character from 1988 until its cancellation in 1990.


She appears to be a heavyset woman in her 30s with short hair and wearing a large dress. Her face is covered in a split black and white pattern. She is shown to be rather aggressive and brutal, as she uses techniques that are illegal in wrestling.

Like the fictional villain, Baron Samedi in the film Live And Let Die, the split monochrome face paint is meant to show the character's voodoo links.


After Steve Rhoades left his wife Marcy, she and Peggy Bundy go to Las Vegas to cheer up (and give Peggy the vacation that she has been asking for). Once there, they eventually lose all their money and even plane tickets, due to their gambling skills. They tried to sneak into the lounge area and sing for tips such as "New York, New York" before being kicked out.

At the Bundy Residence, Al Bundy is later informed by the credit card company that Peggy racked up $5,000 in charges on his credit card in the span of 10 minutes (costing him and the kids the pizza that was to be their dinner). Al and the kids eventually goes to Vegas to track Peggy down. Realizing that they don't have any money to get back home, Peggy informs Al of a sign in the lounge that reads: Survive Three Minutes with a GLOW Wrestler and Win $10,000.

As Al wonders about the sign, two members of GLOW, (Babe, the Farmer's Daughter and Hollywood), stop by their table, wondering about their next match. As they walk on, Hollywood lightly strokes Al's face, causing him to be excited at the chance to wrestling one of those two beautiful women for 3 minutes.

Later, Al "The Starvin' Shoe Salesman" Bundy makes his way to the ring, with cheers from the crowd. Unfortunately, he doesn't find out until the start of the match that he is actually going up against Big Bad Momma, who is much more heavyset and looks forward to torturing Al. Al tries to get out the match, despite Peg and Marcy's plea that its $10,000, saying that its $1 per pound of Big Bad Mama. After the ref informs them of the rules, especially to Big Bad Momma, warning her not to bite below the waist, the match begins.

Al tries to outrun her, but Big Bad Mama easily ties up Al using illegal techniques and even body slamming the referee as she continues to torture Al. Despite his screams and pleas for help, Peggy continues to mock Al, as if he is losing because he is used to being a loser. After being body slammed, Al eventually gets up and with some confidence, decides to fight back by taking a boxer's stance and tells her "Let's rock!". He quickly throws a left uppercut into her ribcage, but unfortunately, it has no effect on her and she proceeds to use a forearm chop to his neck and drops him.

Peggy gets up and continues to belittle Al, telling him that the kids are watching him lose badly, but he is quickly dragged away and Big Bad Momma as she proceeds to slam his head into the corner post 100 times. After collapsing to the floor, the ring announcer informs the crowd that there is only 20 seconds left in the match. Al is happy to hear this, believing that he won, but then it is announced that Big Bad Mama has started to climb the ropes. As Al tries to figure out what that means, Peggy scream out that he needs to get out now. Unfortunately for Al, he can't feel any of his limbs as he lays on the mat with his limbs flopping around and begs for someone to just shoot him.

As the announcer mentions that Big Bad Momma is setting up to do her "Big Tsunami" move, he points that there is only three seconds left. The bell rings and Al is declared the winner, much to the delight of him and the audience. Unfortunately, the announcer points out that when Big Bad Momma starts her move, there is no stopping her, as the ref quickly evacuates from the ring. Realizing that there is no escape now, Al gives up hope as he smiles and says "Good night!" . Big Bad Mama takes a flying leap, landing on Al and causing a massive gust of wind.

Despite surviving against Big Bad Momma, by the end of the episode, Al is left wheelchair bound in a vegetative state.

