Married with Children Wiki

The Bum is a character that appears at random times during a Bundy's moment of depression during season 4 of Married...with Children.

He is played by L.A. based musician Chuck E. Weiss


He appears to be in his late 30s or early 40s, with long hair and looking rather disheveled. He is shown wearing a dark grey trench coat, a red scarf, dirty grey torn shirt, green fingerless gloves, blue jeans, and a tan fedora hat. He also carries a blue cup with him which he puts out in order to get people to give him some money.


In "Oh, What a Feeling", as Al stares into the car dealership, the bum is outside panhandling. As he notices Al looking desperately at the car he wanted to buy, he takes pity on him and gives him a dollar.

In "Rock and Roll Girl", Kelly starts feeling like she might not be slutty enough for the audition to be in the Guttercats' new music video. The bum walks into the audition area and asks for some spare change, which gives Kelly an idea. After a moment, she convinces another girl at the audition that he's actually the drummer for the Guttercats. After the girl walks over and starts whispering in his ear about what she would do for a chance at being a video slut, he happily runs off with her, leaving Kelly as the only one left for the band to see.

In "Peggy Made a Little Lamb", after Peg finds out that she didn't graduate high school (due to failing home economics during her senior year and then not reporting to summer school), Al comes back to the house with the bum to show her that she doesn't need a diploma to be important. The bum asks for some spare change, which causes Al and the kids laugh at her.

