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Carlos is one of Kelly Bundy's boyfriends. He appears twice during season 10.

He is played by actor Mark Espinoza.


Carlos is a tall, dark skinned Latin male, with short brown hair. He has a noticeable accent and usually mixes in some Spanish words during his conversations with Kelly. Though it is never actually stated where he is originally from (as he simply refers to it as "The Old Country"), it could be implied that he is from Mexico, as Kelly mentions that she wrote to his brother in the old country that she believes is named "San Diego" (San Diego being a metropolitan center in southern California and a short drive from the U.S. / Mexico border) after Bud helps her read it.

Although it is implied that he comes from a rather poor village in his first appearance, he tells Al that money is of no concern to him as his family is rather wealthy as they work in construction and built homes in their village. He also boasted to Al that they built a tunnel that run between the U.S. and the old country, further implying that he and his family are from Mexico.

In contrast to her past boyfriends, he appears to be rather old fashioned, asking Kelly about where her chaperones are at, telling corny jokes and kisses Kelly's hand, rather than accepting the chance to make out with her. He also doesn't realize that his cousin is having sex with Bud, mistaking Bud's screams during sex as him being led in prayer by her or hearing her jokes. He believes that she is a virgin.

He also appears to believes that Kelly is a virgin, viewing her as a "chaste goddess".

Appearance on MWC[]

He first appears in "Love Conquers Al", when he has set up a date with Kelly. He also brings his cousin, Esmeralda, who is visiting from the Old Country. As such, Kelly asks Bud to do her a favor and hang around Esmeralda during her date. Bud, thinking that Esmeralda is a name for an ugly boring girl, agrees to do so, on the condition that he gets to have sex with Kelly's friend, Fawn. Though when Carlos arrives, Bud is shocked to see that Esmeralda is a rather beautiful woman who is eager to have sex, as she will be joining a covenant to become a nun the next day.

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Carlos singing to a rather bored Kelly

Throughout their date, Kelly becomes more bored him as he sings and plays on an acoustic guitar, presents a slide show of his family and the old country (with Kelly mistaking his Aunt Maria for a burro and the town having a statue of Sally Struthers in her honor). Later, as he stretches out and puts his arm on the couch, with Kelly believing that he is finally making a move on her, he almost puts her in a choke hold as he looks at his watch and realizes that its Esmeralda's curfew and has to take her home. He then ask if he could kiss Kelly and as she leans in, he simply takes her hand and kisses that before heading back home, much to Kelly's disappointment. She then becomes upset that he didn't put out and promises to tell her girlfriends and ruin his reputation.

In his second and last appearance, in the episode "Al Goes to the Dogs", Kelly appears to still be dating Carlos. She reveals to Bud that she has been trying for months to show him how much she cares. She then shows him a letter she received from his brother from the old country of "San Diego" with photos of Carlos' past girlfriends, who appear to be rather plain looking. She tells Bud that she is going out to a salon and change her appearance to look more plain looking and asks him to keep Carlos away from Al. He agrees to do so, but after a random sexy woman stops by, Bud forgets to warn Carlos and runs off with her. Upon meeting Carlos, Al threatens him, believing that he is there to take advantage of Kelly and leech off him like Peggy. Carlos boast that money is not an issue to him as his family is wealthy from their construction business, causing Al to change his tone and call him "Son" instead.

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Carlos standing next to Al as he confronts Marcy and tells her that they won't rebuild the dog house

After realizing that Carlos is wealthy and has some knowledge in construction, he asks him to help build Lucky Bundy's dog house. Though they are set back after Marcy decides to get an inspector to supervise and delay each step they take. Carlos helps out by pulling out wads of cash to bribe the inspector (with Al pocketing some of it) and get things done sooner. Kelly returns home and is surprised to see her boyfriend having a good time her dad. Despite, her pleas, he stays to help out Al, who is now speaking Spanish. He also doesn't realize that she got a "make under" and believes her to be the same "chaste goddess" he fell in love with. She asks Al for money for an extreme "make under" and he borrows the money from Carlos.

After more delays and paid bribes, they make more progress with Lucky's dog house. Later, Kelly's "make under" leaves her with a simple look, consisting of no make up, her hair worn in a braided style and wearing a traditional Mexican dress. Carlos comes in and accidentally mistakes her for an old, homely looking housekeeper and asks where Kelly is at. She boast that she spent $700 to achieve the look of the women from his village, only for him to point that he spent $7000 to get away from those women.

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Carlos reflecting on what he has learned from Al after declaring that he hates Kelly's new look and she is not worthy of bearing his children

Despising her new look, he declares to Kelly "You are not the angora-sweater-wearing, pointy-breasted woman, who will frost my Duncan Hines cakes while bearing my 2.6 children, as I watch wrestling on TV!". She points out that he never said that he wanted those types of things before, but he points out that Al has influenced him, as he views him as a wise man who reeks of wisdom and something else. He then bids her "Adios" and takes his leave, as she desperately tries to tell him "I am a slut! I can be a slut! A huge slut!".

Al then reveals that he and Carlos are still going to the basketball game, much to her disappointment.


  • Along with Vincent "Vinnie" Verducci and Ghengis, Carlos has the distinction of being one of Kelly's boyfriends who has appeared more than once during the show's run.