Married with Children Wiki

Like the other MWC remakes, the Chilean version followed the plot, gags, and dialogue of the original scripts closely, especially during its first season

Halfway through Season 2, several episodes started to stray away from the original MWC script, keep only certain elements, with some barely having any resemblance to its original counterpart. In Season 3, the trend continued with several episodes being 100% original. Seasons 4 and 5 were mostly 100% original with some episodes based on MWC scripts or in some cases, reusing jokes from episodes that were already remade.

Season 1 (2006)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "Los nuevos vecinos" (The New Neighbors) "Pilot"
2 "Flacos pero con energía" (Skinny But With Energy) "Thinnergy"
3 "Y 19 años... ¿para esto?" (And 19 Years... For This?) "Sixteen Years and What Do You Get?"
4 "Pero yo no le disparé al perro" (But I Didn't Shoot the Dog) "But I Didn't Shoot the Deputy"
5 "El super clásico" (The Super Classic) "Have You Driven a Ford Lately?"
6 "El sueño de la pieza propia" (The Dream of Their Own Place) "Whose Room Is It Anyway?"
7 "Tito tiene una noche de suerte" (Tito Has a Lucky Night) "Al Loses His Cherry"
8 "Kena tiene pega" (Kena Has a Job) "Peggy Sue Got Work"
9 "Casado sin hijos" (Married without Children) "Married... without Children"
10 "El cacho" (The Bunch) "The Poker Game"
11 "¿Y dónde está el jefe?" (And Where is the Boss?) "Where's the Boss?"
12 "Pesadilla" (Nightmare) "Nightmare on Al's Street"
13 "La última cena" (The Last Supper) "Johnny Be Gone"
14 "Si yo fuera rico" (If I were Rich) "If I Were a Rich Man"
15 "El teléfono" (The Telephone) "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
16 "Las chicas sólo quieren divertirse - Parte 1" (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Part 1) "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Part 1)"
17 "Las chicas sólo quieren divertirse - Parte 2" (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Part 2) "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Part 2)"
18 "Carnet de conducir" (Driver's License) "Born to Walk"
19 "Fósiles musicales" (Musical Fossils) "Oldies But Young 'Uns"
20 "El tatuaje" (The Tattoo) "How Do You Spell Revenge?"
21 "La gringa" (The Female Foreigner) "Earth Angel"
22 "Nacho Pato Malo" (Nacho the Punk) "Guys and Dolls"
23 "La ratonera" (The Mousetrap) "Build a Better Mousetrap"
24 "Crédito" (Credit) "Master the Possibilities"
25 "El gran escape" (The Big Escape) "The Great Escape"
26 "El impotente" (The Impotent) "Impo-Dent"
27 "Recién casado... y con hijo" (Recently Married... and with a Child) "Just Married... with Children"
28 "Todo queda en familia" (All in the Family) "All in the Family"
29 "Tito ganador" (Tito the Winner) "Father Lode"
30 "Lindo paseo" (A Lovely Walk) "The Camping Show"
31 "Las deudas se pagan" (The Debts Are Paid) "He Thought He Could"
32 "El trono" (The Throne) "A Dump of My Own"
33 "Los Pelaos" (Hair Strands) "The Bald and the Beautiful"
34 "Asados con hijos" (Roasted with Children) "Hot off the Grill"
35 "Perro muerto" (Dead Dog) "Eatin' Out"
36 "Voló la casa" (Blew Up the House) "The House That Peg Lost"
37 "Madre hay una sola" (Mother, there is only one) "My Mom, the Mom"
38 "Película de acción" (Action Film) "The Harder They Fall"
39 "Ella gana más plata que yo" (She Earns More Than Me) "A Three Job, No Income Family"
40 "Mal vista" (Bad View) "Here's Lookin' at You, Kid"
41 "Dime cómo te peinas" (Tell Me How You Want Your Hair Styled) "Requiem for a Dead Barber"
42 "Casado... y fuera de forma" (Married... and Out of Shape) "Dead Men Don't Do Aerobics"
43 "Bigote" (Moustache) "The Razor's Edge"
44 "La cama indiscreta" (The Indiscreet Bed) "I'll See You in Court"
45 "Llame ya, por favor" (Please Call Now) "976-SHOE"
46 "Amante fiel" (Faithful Lover) "He Ain't Much, But He's Mine"
47 "Intercambio justo" (Fair Exchange") "Fair Exchange"
48 "A Tito regalado" (Gifted to Tito) "Tooth or Consequences"
49 "Cero kilómetro" (Zero Kilometer) "Oh, What a Feeling"
50 "Lloviendo sobre mojado" (One Thing After Another) "Who'll Stop the Rain?"
51 "El gran premio" (The Grand Prize) "Weenie Tot Lovers and Other Strangers"
52 "Por un pelo" (By a Hair) "A Taxing Problem"
53 "A Ibiza el Boleto" (A Ticket to Ibiza) "You Gotta Know When to Hold 'Em (Part 1)"
54 "Piesadilla" (Dreaming of Feet) "The Agony of De-Feet"
55 "Teletiti" (Titi TV) "Rain Girl"
56 "Lecciones de vida" (Life Lessons) "What Goes Around Came Around"
57 "¿Me encuentras rico?" (Do You Find Me Sexy?) "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?"
58 "Uno menos" (One Less) "One Down, Two to Go"
59 "Rock and roll girl" "Rock and Roll Girl"
60 "Marcianos con hijos" (Martians with Children) "Married... with Aliens"
61 "Conejita de agosto" (August Bunny) "Desperately Seeking Miss October"
62 "Licencia de matar" (License to Kill) "Wabbit Season"
63 "Carreteando con Los Mox!" (Partying with Los Mox!) "My Dinner with Anthrax"
64 "El saltito de Titi" (Titi's Little Jump) "Kelly Bounces Back"
65 "Papá corazón" (Father's Heart) "Al... with Kelly"
66 "Aseguradosss" (Insurer for Two) "Sue Casa, His Casa"
67 "El rey sin su trono" (The King without His Throne) "A Man's Castle"

Season 2 (2006-2007)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "¿Casada con cual?" (Married to Which One?) "Married... with Who?" / "The Egg and I"
2 "El padrino" (The Godfather) "The Godfather"
3 "Angelitos y melones" (Little Angels and Breasts) "Kids! Wadaya Gonna Do?"
4 "Todo a mil" (Dollar Store) "Yard Sale"
5 "Casada Con Matador" (Married with a Bullfighter) "So This is How Sinatra Felt"
6 "Chantología" (Talkology) "Psychic Avengers"
7 "Domingo siete" (Unplanned Pregnancy) "Magnificent Seven"
8 "El Rey de la Noche" (King of the Night) "Al on the Rocks"
9 "Lo Que Hice Por Amor" (What I did for Love) "What I Did for Love"
10 "Fiebre De Sábado" (Saturday Fever) "T-R-A-Something-Something Spells Tramp"
11 "La Famosa Comida" (The Famous Dish) "Rock of Ages"
12 "La Opinóloga del Carrito" (The Cart Opinologist) "Kelly Doesn't Live Here Anymore"
13 "El Matri" (The Matri) "Wedding Show"
14 "Vacaciones" (Vacations) "It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This"
15 "El Macho" (The Man) "Teacher Pets"
16 "Inseguridad Ciudadana" (Citizen's Insecurity) "Un-Alful Entry"
17 "No Vale La Peña" (It's Not Worth the Trouble) "Frat Chance"
18 "Capitán Sinniuno" (Captain Withoutanything) "Mr. Empty Pants"
19 "La Chica de la Motocicleta" (The Girl on the Motorcycle) "Heels on Wheels"
20 "Una Propuesta Indecente" (An Indecent Proposal) "The Proposition"
21 "Retiro Anticipado" (Early Retirement) "'Tis Time to Smell the Roses"
22 "El Matri Recargado" (The Matri Reloaded) "The Wedding Repercussions"
23 "Tarde de Cine" (Afternoon at the Cinema) "Movie Show"
24 "Brígido Y Con Hijos" (Dangerous and with Kids) "Hood 'n the Boyz"
25 "Nachos" "Proud to Be Your Bud"
26 "Cor-tito" (Short-tito) "'Til Death Do Us Part"
27 "El Rostro Parte 1" (The Face - Part 1) "Kelly Does Hollywood (Part 1)"
28 "El Rostro Parte 2" (The Face - Part 2) "Kelly Does Hollywood (Part 2)"
29 "Marcia, La Oradora" (Marcia, the Speaker) "Banking on Marcy"
30 "Fiebre de Oro" (Gold Fever) "Route 666 (Part 1)" / "Route 666 (Part 2)"
31 "Tito, El Tatita" (Tito The Old Man) "Go for the Old"
32 "Noche de brujas" (Halloween) "Take My Wife, Please"
33 "Re-Volver Al Futuro" (Back to the Future) "Scared Single"
34 "El graduado" (The Graduate) "Rites of Passage"
35 "Malditos Larraín" (Damn Larraín) "Luck of the Bundys"
36 "Mi Sofá y yo" (My Sofa and I) "Sofa So Good"
37 "Síndrome Larraín" (Larraín Syndrome) "Hi I.Q."
38 "Un Pedacito de Tito" (A Little Piece of Tito) "A Little Off the Top"
39 "El Invitado de Piedra" (The Uninvited Guest) "The Worst Noel"
40 "Los Asegurados" (The Insured) "Old Insurance Dodge"
41 "Cumpleaños Infeliz" (Unhappy Birthday) "Honey, I Blew Up Myself"
42 "La Vio Gorda - Parte 1" (He Saw Her Fat - Part 1) "She's Having My Baby (Part 1)"
43 "La Vio Gorda - Parte 2" (He Saw Her Fat - Part 2) "She's Having My Baby (Part 2)" / "Al Bundy, Shoe Dick"
44 "Refugio Para Caballeros" (Refuge for Gentlemen) "If Al Had a Hammer"
45 "Seca Pa´l Pool" (Drought by the Pool) "Cheese, Cues and Blood"
46 "La Cuna de Bronce" (The Bronze Cradle) "Looking for a Desk in All the Wrong Places"
47 "¡La Gallina No!" (No Chicken!) "No Chicken, No Check"
48 "Zapato Santo" (Holy Shoes) "God's Shoes"
49 "Potos de Botella" (Bottle Glasses) "If I Could See Me Now"
50 "Si Se La Puede... Pierda" (If you can... Lose) "Kelly Knows Something"
51 "Nacho Campeón" (Nacho the Champion) "Naughty but Niece"
52 "Tiro al Blanco" (Target Practice) "Kelly Takes a Shot"
53 "Pelando a Tito" (Gossiping About Tito) N/A (Clips Show)
54 "La Pan de Pascua" (Easter Bread) "Kelly Breaks Out"
55 "Navidad Inolvidable" (Unforgettable Christmas) "You Better Watch Out"
56 "Niño Malo" (Bad Boy) "The Undergraduate"
57 "Perno o Mino" (Bolt or Hottie) "You Can't Miss"
58 "Virtudes Virtuales" (Virtual Virtues) "User Friendly"
59 "Vamos a La Playa" (Let's Go to the Beach) "Life's a Beach"
60 "El Sircom" "No Pot to Pease In"
61 "Los Pies de los Ochenta" (The Feet of the '80s) "Shoeway to Heaven"
62 "Una Mala Noche" (A Bad Night) "Sleepless in Chicago"
63 "Tito En Cadenas" (Tito in Chains) N/A (Clips Show)
64 "Tito Fútbol Club" (Tito Fútbol Club) "A Man for No Seasons"
65 "El bueno, el malo y el Tito" (The Good, The Bad and The Tito) "Dud Bowl"
66 "Terror En Playa Precipicio" (Terror at Precipice Beach) "Poppy's by the Tree (Part 1)" / "Poppy's by the Tree (Part 2)"

Season 3 (2007)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "Perro Nuevo" (The New Dog) "Al Goes to the Dogs"
2 "El Sexo Débil" (The Weaker Sex) "The Weaker Sex"
3 "La Pesca Milagrosa" (The Miraculous Catch) "The Two That Got Away"
4 "El Gurú" (The Guru) "Love Conquers Al"
5 "Auto Nuevo, Vida Nueva" (New Car, New Life) "We'll Follow the Sun
6 "Tallas Pesadas" (Heavy Jokes) "The Joke's on Al"
7 "De Pelos" (Excellent) "How Bleen Was My Kelly"
8 "La Venganza de los Nerds - Parte 1" (Revenge of the Nerds - Part 1) "Spring Break (Part 1)"
9 "La Venganza de los Nerds - Parte 2" (Revenge of the Nerds - Part 2) "Spring Break (Part 2)"
10 "Crimen De Lesa Obesidad" (Crime against Obesity) "Crimes Against Obesity"
11 "Chanta-je" (Blackmail) "Children of the Corns"
12 "El Arma de Nacho" (Nacho's Weapon) N/A
13 "Café sin piernas" (Coffee without Legs) "The Naked and the Dead, but Mostly the Naked"
14 "Súper Campeones" (Super Champions) "Buck the Stud"
15 "Zoolo-titi" "A Babe in Toyland"
16 "¿Kena Soy?" (Am I Kena?) "The Stepford Peg"
17 "El Tatuaje" (The Tattoo) "The Agony and the Extra C"
18 "La muerte de un vendedor... de zapatos" (The Death of a Seller... of Shoes) "Death of a Shoe Salesman"
19 "Tito Bam-Bam" (Tito Bam-Bam) "Just Shoe It"
20 "Chica Calendario" (Calendar Girl) "Calendar Girl"
21 "Protagonistas de la Funa - - Parte 1" (Protagonists of the demotivated - Part 1) "Pump Fiction"
22 "Protagonistas de la Funa - - Parte 2" (Protagonists of the demotivated - Part 2) N/A
23 "¡Bingo!" (Bingo!) "And Bingo Was Her Game-O"
24 "Noche de Rondas" (Night Rounds) "All Night Security Dude"
25 "La Zapatería Indiscreta" (The Indiscreet Shoe Store) "A Shoe Room with a View"
26 "Alimento de Campeones" (Food of Champions) "Buck Has a Belly Ache"
27 "Yo soy tu padre - Parte 1" (I am your father - Part 1) N/A
28 "Yo soy tu padre - Parte 2" (I am your father - Part 2) N/A
29 "Calentamiento Global" (Global Warming) "Twisted"
30 "El sostén de la familia" (The Breadwinner of the Family) "Her Cups Runneth Over"
31 "Por la Chuza" (For the Strike) "Peggy Turns 300"
32 "22 Años No Es Nada" (22 Years is Nothing) "25 Years and What Do You Get?"
33 "Tito Al Velador" (Tito on the Nightstand) "Nooner or Later"
34 "Faus-Tito" (Lucky-Tito) "Damn Bundys"
35 "Nacho Libre" (Free Nacho) N/A
36 "Perdidos" (Lost) "Buck Saves the Day"
37 "Ni tontos ni perezosos" (Neither dumb nor lazy) "Bud on the Side"
38 "La Herencia" (The Legacy) "I Who Have Nothing"
39 "Zapatofobia" (Shoephobia) "Shoeless Al"
40 "Papurri" (Handsome Man) N/A
41 "Cambio de hábitos - Parte 1" (Change of Habits - Part 1) "Kelly's Gotta Habit"
42 "Cambio de hábitos - Parte 2" (Change of Habits - Part 2) "Kelly's Gotta Habit"
43 "N.I.C.A." (no más imposiciones categorícas y andrógenas)("N.I.C.A." (No more categorical and androgynous impositions)) "NO MA'AM"
44 "Cocinando con Kena" (Cooking with Kena) "Peggy Made a Little Lamb"
45 "Hipnotito" (Hypnotic-to) N/A
46 "Shakena Shakena" (Shakena Shakena) "Live Nude Peg"
47 "Tito Versus Tito" N/A
48 "Kill Vega: La Venganza" (Kill Vega: Vengence) N/A
49 "Go Go Nacho" N/A
50 "Ley Seca" (Prohibition) "Business Still Sucks (Part 2)"
51 "El Día de Tito" (Tito's Day) "It's a Bundyful Life (Part 2)"
52 "El Exorcismo de María Fernanda" (The Exorcism of María Fernanda) N/A
53 "El Fin de la Norma" (The End of the Norma) "Field of Screams"
54 "De mal en peor" (From Bad to Worse) "Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner"
55 "Crimen y Castigo" (Crime and Punishment) "Grime and Punishment"
56 "¿Dónde Estás Campeón?" (Where is Champion?) "Change for a Buck"
57 "El Samurai Criollo" (The Criollo Samurai) "Turning Japanese"
58 "El Mejor Amigo del Perro" (Dog's Best Friend) "Buck Can Do It"
59 "Nacido Para Llorar" (Born to Cry) "T*R*A*S*H"
60 "El Cambiador" (The Remote Control) N/A
61 "El Casique Casa Quiere" (The Cacique Wants a House) "I'm Going to Sweatland"
62 "La Hija Modelo" (The Model Daughter) N/A
63 "Estacionamiento Personalizado" (Personalized Parking Spot) N/A
64 "Besos con sabor a café" (Coffee Flavored Kisses) "Kiss of the Coffee Woman"
65 "Hip-Hopernos" N/A
66 "Geisha Satelital - Parte 1" (Satellite Geisha - Part 1) "The Hood, the Bud and the Kelly (Part 1)
67 "Geisha Satelital - Parte 2" (Satellite Geisha - Part 2) "The Hood, the Bud and the Kelly (Part 2)
68 "Adivina quién vino a quedarse" (Guess Who Came to Stay) N/A
69 "Futuro: Muertito" (Future: Dead) N/A
70 "¿Y cómo es él? - Parte 1" (And how is he? - Part 1) "Breaking Up Is Easy to Do (Part 2)"
71 "¿Y cómo es él? - Parte 2" (And how is he? - Part 2) "Breaking Up Is Easy to Do (Part 3)"
72 "Nachito y su combo" (Lil Nacho and His Gang) "The Juggs Have Left the Building"
73 "La Manzana de la Discordia" (The Apple of Discord) "How Green Was My Apple"
74 "Quién No Llora No Mama" (He who doesn't weep, doesn't breastfeed) "Business Sucks (Part 1)"
75 "¿Y Como El Chico?" (And like the boy?) N/A
76 "¿Y dónde está la guagua" (And where is the baby?) N/A
77 "Qué loco amor" (What a Crazy Love) N/A
78 "¿Quién mató a Tito?" (Who killed Tito?) N/A
79 "Cuestión de Procedimiento" (Question of Procedure) N/A
80 "Tata Larraín" (Daddy Larraín) N/A
81 "Bótox Party" (Botox Party) N/A
82 "Larraín vs Larraín" N/A
83 "Tito al Aire" (Air Tito) N/A
84 "Cumpleaños a lo Pinto" (Birthday for the Pintos) N/A

Season 4 (2007-2008)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "Tito Disputado" (Tito the Disputed) N/A
2 "Titi Contra Fama" (Titi against Fame) N/A
3 "Año nuevo... Vida Perra" (New Year...Bitch Life) "A Bundy Thanksgiving"
4 "Y Tu Mamá También" (And You Mother as Well) N/A
5 "Por Partida Doble" (By Double Entry) N/A

Season 5 (2023)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "El Canje" (The Exchange) N/A
2 "El momento decisitorio" (The Decisive Moment) N/A
3 "Alta traición" (High Treason) N/A
4 "Luna de Hiel" (Bitter Moon) N/A
5 "Dónde Está Fabio" (Where is Fabio) N/A
6 "El regreso de Domingo Siete" (The Return of Domingo Siete) N/A
7 "La invitación" (The Invitation) N/A
8 "Cancelada" (Cancelled) "The Agony and the Extra C"
9 "El mal del Camionero" (The Evils of being a Bus Driver) N/A
10 "Indemnización" (Compensation) N/A
11 "Nube negra - parte 1" (Black Cloud - Part 1) N/A
12 "Nube negra - parte 2" (Black Cloud - Part 2) N/A
13 "Hornonas monas" (Cute Hormones) N/A
14 "Celos" (Jealousy) N/A
15 "Despedida de Soltera" (Bachelorette Party) N/A
16 "A Nadie le Falta Dios" (Nobody Lacks God) N/A
17 "La Nuera" (Daughter-in-Law) N/A
18 "La Visita de la Tia Pita" (Aunt Pita's Visit) N/A
19 "Delicias Mediterráneas" (Mediterranean Delights) "Breaking Up Is Easy to Do (Part 2)"
20 "Fatiga de Material - parte 1" (Marital Fatigue - Part 1) N/A
21 "Fatiga de Material - parte 2" (Marital Fatigue - Part 2) N/A
22 "Romance de Alta Gama" (High End Romance) "The Desperate Half-Hour (Part 1)"
23 "El Divo" (The Star) N/A
24 "El Agente Topo" (The Mole Agent) N/A
25 "Manso Secretito" (Huge Little Secret) N/A
26 "En Boca de Todos" (On Everyone's Lips) "Tooth or Consequences"
27 "Altas Temperaturas" (High Temperatures) N/A
28 "La maleta" (The Suitcase) N/A
29 "Alma Vieja, Familia Nueva" (Old Soul, New Family) N/A
30 "Estudio De Personaje" (Character Study) N/A
31 "¿Quincho O Huerto?" (Gazebo or Orchid?) N/A
32 "La Despedida" (The Farewell) N/A