Married with Children Wiki

Like the other MWC remakes, the Colombian version followed the plot, gags, and dialogue of the original scripts closely, with changes mades to reflect modern times and Colombian culture.

Season 1 (2004 - 2005)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "Esta noche vienen los Pachon" (The Pachons are Coming Over Tonight) "Pilot"
2 "La dieta energética" (The Energetic Diet) "Thinnergy"
3 "Feliz Aniversario, Mi Vidita" (Happy Anniversary, My Love) "Sixteen Years and What Do You Get?"
4 "El perro de los vecinos" (The Neighbor's Dog) "But I Didn't Shoot the Deputy"
5 "Compramos un Mustang" (We Bought a Mustang) "Have You Driven a Ford Lately?"
6 "El cuarto de los vecinos" (The Neighbor's Room) "Whose Room Is It Anyway?"
7 "Paco y las Flórez" (Paco and The Flórez Sisters) "Al Loses His Cherry"
8 "Lola trabaja" (Lola Works) "Peggy Sue Got Work"
9 "Kelly y Willy en la casa de Los Pachón" (Kelly and Willy at the Pachóns' House) "Married... without Children"
10 "El juego de póquer" (The Poker Game) "The Poker Game"
11 "Conozca al Sr. García" (She knows about Mr. García) "Where's the Boss?"
12 "Amparo tiene pesadillas" (Ampara is having Nightmares) "Nightmare on Al's Street"
13 "Saliendo donde tancredo" (Going out to Tancredo's) "Johnny Be Gone"
14 "El Fénix Castrado" (The Castrated Fenix) "Buck Can Do It"
15 "Paseo al campo" (A walk in the countryside) "The Camping Show"
16 "Fuera de lugar" (Out of Place (Note: referring to the soccer rule known in English as "Offside")) "Poke High"
17 "Asalto al banco" (Bank Robbery) "If I Were a Rich Man"
18 "Cortaron el teléfono" (They Cut the Telephone Line) "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
19 "Visita a los Troyanos Pt. 1" (Visiting the Trojans - Part 1)" "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Part 1)"
20 "Visita a los Troyanos Pt. 1" (Visiting the Trojans - Part 2)" "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Part 2)"
21 "Kelly aprende a manejar" (Kelly Learns to Drive) "Born to Walk"
22 "El Match de bolos" (The Bowling Match) "Alley of the Dolls"
23 "Óscar, el huésped" (Oscar, the Guest) "The Razor's Edge"
24 "El novio de Kelly" (Kelly's Boyfriend) "How Do You Spell Revenge?"
25 "Bienvenida Nataly" (Welcome, Nataly) "Earth Angel"
26 "Hay un papá Noel en el jardín" (There is a Santa Claus in the garden) "You Better Watch Out"

Season 2 (2005)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "Un Botero en casa" (A Botero in the house) "A Dump of My Own"
2 "La copa rota" (The Broken Cup) "Her Cups Runneth Over"
3 "La cosa se puso peluda" (The thing got hairy) "The Bald and the Beautiful"
4 "Nos vemos en el juzgado" (We'll See You in Court) "I'll See You in Court"
5 "Así habló Madame Popurrí" (Thus spoke Madame Popurrí) "The Gypsy Cried"
6 "Se murió el peluquero" (The Hair Stylist Died) "Requiem for a Dead Barber"
7 "La gran comilona" (The Grand Feast) "Eatin' Out"
8 "Mi madre… qué madrazo" (My mother... what a mess) "My Mom, the Mom"
9 "Tres trabajos - cero pesos" (Three jobs - Zero Pesos) "A Three Job, No Income Family"
10 "Duelo de titanes" (Clash of the Titans) "The Harder They Fall"
11 "La casa robada" (The Stolen House) "The House That Peg Lost"
12 "El pasado no perdona parte 1" (The Past Does Not Forgive Part 1) "Married... with Queen (Part 1)"
13 "El pasado no perdona parte 2" (The Past Does Not Forgive Part 2) "Married... with Queen: The Sequel (Part 2)"
14 "El show del computador" (The Computer Show) "The Computer Show"
15 "Chicas de revista" (Magazine Girls) "Desperately Seeking Miss October"
16 "La cita de Willy" (Willy's Date) "The Dateless Amigo"
17 "Lo sano es con Lozano" (Its the Healthy Thing with Lozano) "Dead Men Don't Do Aerobics"
18 "Un asado de muerte" (A Roast to Die For) "Hot off the Grill"
19 "El mirón" (The Peeping Tom) "Here's Lookin' at You, Kid"
20 "Ojo por ojo, diente por diente" (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth) "Tooth or Consequences"
21 "El perro maravilla" (The Wonder Dog) "Buck Saves the Day"
22 "Carro nuevo" (New Car) "Oh, What a Feeling"
23 "Semillas de amapola. Parte 1" (Poppy Seeds, Part 1) "Poppy's by the Tree (Part 1)"
24 "Semillas de amapola. Parte 2" (Poppy Seeds, Part 2) "Poppy's by the Tree (Part 2)"
25 "El intercambio" (The Exchange) "Fair Exchange"
26 "El affaire de Paco" (Paco's Affair) "He Ain't Much, But He's Mine"

Season 3 (2005)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "Doctor zapato" (Doctor Shoe) "976-SHOE"
2 "Vamos al zoológico" (Let's Go to the Zoo) "At the Zoo"
3 "Abril, lluvias mil" (lit., "April, a thousand rains", a saying derived from "Abril, aguas mil" (April, a thousand waters) that is used in Spain to describe the rain during April) "Who'll Stop the Rain?".
4 "Queremos rock" (We Wanna Rock) "Rock and Roll Girl"
5 "Al Pelo" (Just What I Needed (Note. lit. "To the Hair", an idiom used informally to mean something fits well or to get a desired item at the right time) "A Taxing Problem"
6 "La Farandulera" (The Showbiz Reporter) "Rain Girl"
7 "La huerta" (The Produce Farm) "Wabbit Season"
8 "A que te cojo ratón" (I bet I'll catch you, rodent) "Build a Better Mousetrap"
9 "El gran escape" (The Great Escape) "The Great Escape"
10 "El arte de decir te amo" (The Art of Saying "I Love You") "Peggy Loves Al, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"
11 "El diploma" (The Diploma) "Peggy Made a Little Lamb"
12 "Venta de garaje" (Garage Sale) "Yard Sale"
13 "Nuevos ricos" (New Rich) "Master the Possibilities"
14 "Una casa para dos" (A house for two) "Al... with Kelly"
15 "Soy tan sexy" (I'm so sexy) "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?"
16 "Intercambiando esposas" (Swapping Wives) "The Dance Show"
17 "Nos vamos de puente" (We're going on a weekend trip) "We'll Follow the Sun"
18 "El juego perfecto" (The Perfect Game) "Peggy Turns 300"
19 "El nuevo escaragargajo" (The New (VW) Beetle) "Kelly Bounces Back"
20 "Seres de otro mundo" (Beings from Another World) "Married... with Aliens"
21 "Navidad dulce Navidad parte I" (Christmas Sweet Christmas Part I) "It's a Bundyful Life (Part 1)"
22 "Navidad dulce Navidad parte II" (Christmas Sweet Christmas Part II) "It's a Bundyful Life (Part 2)"
23 "No es más que un hasta luego" (It's nothing more than a "See you later") "One Down, Two to Go"
24 "Perder, es cuestión de… Rochas Parte I" (The Rochas of Losing Part I (Note: a references to the 2004 Spanish-Colombian film, Perder es cuestión de método or The Art of Losing.)) "You Gotta Know When to Hold 'Em (Part 1)"
25 "Perder, es cuestión de… Rochas Parte II" (The Rochas of Losing Part II) "You Gotta Know When to Fold 'Em (Part 2)"
26 "La venganza es dulce" (Revenge is Sweet) "What Goes Around Came Around"

Season 4 (2005)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "La demanda millonaria" (The Million Dollar Lawsuit) "Sue Casa, His Casa"
2 "¿Quién engañó a la cigüeña?" (Who Framed the Stork?) "And Baby Makes Money"
3 "Mi esposo Jefferson" (My Husband, Jefferson) "Married... with Who?"
4 "El concejal" (The Alderman) "The Godfather"
5 "Mi vida en rosa" (My Life in Pink) "A Man's Castle"
6 "El Cela" (The Watchman) "All Night Security Dude"
7 "Chocomenudencias" (Chocolate Giblets) "Weenie Tot Lovers and Other Strangers"
8 "Todo por la plata" (All for the Money) "Kids! Wadaya Gonna Do?"
9 "Mi primer striptease" (My First Striptease) "Rites of Passage"
10 "El gran varón" (The Great Man) "Buck the Stud"
11 "El suuupermercado Parte 1" (The Suuupermarket, Part 1) "You Better Shop Around (Part 1)"
12 "El suuupermercado Parte 2" (The Suuupermarket, Part 2) "You Better Shop Around (Part 2)"
13 "Un Manantial de corazón" (A Spring of the Heart) "Oldies But Young 'Uns"
14 "¡Ah, carambólas!" (Note: a reference to the Spanish/Portuguese expression "¡ay, caramba!" (used to express one's surprise) and Carom billiards). "Cheese, Cues and Blood"
15 "Las alpargatas de dios" (God's Alpargatas) "God's Shoes"
16 "Ojo por ojo" (An Eye for an Eye) "If I Could See Me Now"
17 "Paco’s fan cub" "So This is How Sinatra Felt"
18 "¿Y dónde está el asesino?" (And where is the killer?) "Al Bundy, Shoe Dick"
19 "Mi herencia" (My Legacy) "I Who Have Nothing"
20 "Oh mujeres tan divinas" (Oh, such divine women) "The Mystery of Skull Island"
21 "Mi idiota favorito" (My Favorite Idiot) "Hi I.Q."
22 "La profe de ingles" (The English Teacher) "Teacher Pets"
23 "El gasolinero" (The Gas Station Attendant) "The Gas Station Show"
24 "Fiebre de sábado en la noche" (Saturday Night Fever) "T-R-A-Something-Something Spells Tramp"
25 "Paco al desnudo" (Paco in the Nude) "Al on the Rocks"
26 "Cómo atraer a tu marido" (How to attract your husband) "What I Did for Love"

Season 5 (2005-2006)[]

No Title Adapted from:
1 "La Chica Hamburguesa" (The Hamburger Girl) "Kelly Doesn't Live Here Anymore"
2 "La increíble y triste historia de Willy Rocha y sus padres desalmados" (The Incredible and Sad Story of Willy Rocha and His Heartless Parents) "The Old College Try"
3 "El regalo de matrimonio" (The Wedding Gift) "Wedding Show"
4 "De las tumbas quiero irme" (I want to get away from the graves) "Death of a Shoe Salesman"
5 "Otro chance" (Another Chance) "You Can't Miss"
6 "Motorizada" (Motorized) "Heels on Wheels"
7 "El pelmazo" (The Boring Guy) "Mr. Empty Pants"
8 "Ladrón que roba a ladrón" (A Thief Stealing from a Thief) "Un-Alful Entry"
9 "Más rápido que Paco Rocha" (Faster than Paco Rocha) "'Til Death Do Us Part"
10 "Los Rocha, la película (The Rochas Movie) "Movie Show"
11 "Por amor a Gloria" (For the Love of Gloria) "Hood 'n the Boyz"
12 "El pichirilo millonario" (The Million Dollar Beat Up Car) "Old Insurance Dodge"
13 "La venganza del primo" (Revenge of the Cousin) "The Wedding Repercussions"
14 "La maldición Rocha" (The Rocha Curse) "Luck of the Bundys"
15 "El novato" (The Rookie) "Scared Single"
16 "Una propuesta indecente" (An Indecent Proposal) "The Proposition"
17 "Cinco días de pesca" (Five Days of Fishing) "It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This"
18 "No hembras" (No Females) "NO MA'AM
19 "El amparo de Amparo" (The Protection of Amparo) "Banking on Marcy"
20 "Nóu chíken, nóu chékin" (No Chicken, No Check) "No Chicken, No Check"
21 "La puntica, no más" (Just the tip, nothing more) "A Little Off the Top"
22 "Yo le hago el favorcito" (I'll do her a favor) "Honey, I Blew Up Myself"
23 "El sofá" (The Sofa) "Sofa So Good"
24 "La gran apuesta" (The Big Bet) "Al Goes Deep"
25 "Adiós a mi pichirilo" (Farewell, My Beat Up Car) "Get Outta Dodge"
26 "Recordar es vivir" (To Remember is to Live) N/A