Dee Anna is the blonde bombshell fiancée of Cousin Jimmy following his divorce from Janey in the Season 7 episode, "The Wedding Repercussions"
She is played by actress and Playboy Playmate, Barbara Ann Moore.
Cousin Jimmy arrived at the Bundy Residence and tells the Bundys about how mad he is about the divorce. He tells the family that he viewed Janey as the perfect girl for him, due to her being rich and having dead parents, before finding out that she had cheated on him with another man on their wedding day. He then asks his cousin / best friend, Bud Bundy to help find the person, as he knew the person lived in the same neighborhood as the Bundys, but not much else. Though Jimmy is completely unaware that it was his own cousin that slept with his wife. As Bud tried to keep what happened to himself, the Bundys' neighbor, Jefferson D'Arcy ends up becoming Jimmy's victim. He ends up taking a severe beating, as Jimmy believed Jefferson's pretty boy look would make him the most likely choice to cheat. Despite the beating, Jefferson was able to outrun Jimmy after finding the opportunity to get away. Marcy D'Arcy later gets word from Jimmy himself about what he did, causing her to accuse Jefferson of cheating on her.
After seeing the D'Arcys argue, Bud eventually realizes that what he did was wrong and tries to make amends. After inviting Cousin Jimmy over for a talk, just before he can come clean with what happened with him and Janey, Jimmy cuts him off and tells his cousin that he has moved on and no longer intends to hunt down the person who ruined his marriage. He then reveals that he has found his one true love and introduces "Diana" to Bud. She is quick to point out that her name is actually "Dee Anna", which he quickly scoffs at. Bud tries to act like he doesn't care about girls, while Jimmy tells Bud that he is so in love with her that he is going to go out right away and buy an engagement ring. Jimmy then tells Bud to watch her while he goes out, telling his younger cousin that he trusts him and tells him that is his best cousin, best friend, and will be his best man at his next wedding.
Unfortunately, for Jimmy, leaving Diana with Bud lead to inevitable consequences. After Jimmy heads out, Dee Anna follows Bud into the house and tries to get Bud's attention by shameless flirting and demanding that he look at her. He tries to ignore her by looking away and acting like girls are icky, which only turns her on even more. She eventually demands that he take her, causing him to turn around. He then looks at his left shoulder and sees a miniature version of Jimmy sitting there, telling Bud that he is his best cousin, best friend, and will be his best man. A moment later, Bud turns to his other shoulder and sees his father, Al Bundy, sitting there in a bowling shirt, who simply tells him "Blah blah blah".
Through his father's words, he realizes that if she was willing to flirt with him, then she would flirt with anyone. He begins to justify his plan by saying that he won't let Jimmy get hurt by a woman again. Bud then tells Dee Anna that she is not good enough for Jimmy, before putting on a sly grin and tells her that she's perfect for him.
As Bud takes Dee Anna on the couch and they start to make out, the miniature Al pops on top of the couch and yells "Stiii-rike!", cheering on his son for scoring with a pretty girl.