Married with Children Wiki

Fawn is a friend of Kelly Bundy from Polk High School and love interest of Bud Bundy during Season 10 of Married... with Children.

She is played by actress and Playboy model, Lisa Boyle.


Like the majority of Kelly's friends, she is a ditzy, attractive and rather promiscuous brunette in her 20s. She appears to be the most sex crazed, as she implies that 15 minutes without sex is too difficult for her and that she also slept with every guy at their 5 year reunion in a single night back when they were students. She also reveals that she started wearing underwear at their reunion, which was also a big change from her younger years.


She first appears "Blonde and Blonder" accompanying Kelly, Jessica, and Mindy into the Bundy Residence, as they wait for their other friend, Ashley and talk about their five year high school reunion. After Kelly mentions that people are coming from as far away as Indiana, Fawn asks if Indonesians are coming and then suggest they brush up on their Spanish.

As Bud comes up from the basement, the girls start mocking him, unaware he is behind them. Mindy implies that she wants to make out with Bud, which disgusts Fawn, causing her to make a joke about Bud eloping with his hand. Bud comes up to Fawn to mock her and asks if she's still working at the convenience store chain, 7-11. She tells him that she works as a buyer now, to which he replies that she was a "seller" back in high school (implying that she was prostituting herself at a young age).

At the reunion, Fawn seems confused when she gets to their table and notes that there are 6 chairs, but only 5 of them. As they look around the gym, and Mindy says that all the guys there are now losers, Fawn struggles to believe that she actually slept with every guy in the gym in a single night, not realizing that they would all becomes losers in their eyes. She is later seen watching in disbelief as Kelly and Ashley try to flirt with Eric Waters, only to be ignored.

In her second appearance, in "Love Conquers Al", in exchanging for hanging out with Esmerelda, the cousin of Kelly's date, Carlos, she promises to let Bud have sex with Fawn. Despite Bud noting that Fawn hates him, Kelly mentions that Fawn owed her a favor for going out with her goofy brother that lives in the family's attic. Believing that Esmerelda is just an ugly girl that he's going to kill some time with before sex with Fawn, he is shocked to find out that she is a rather attractive woman with a high sex drive.

Fawn 2

Fawn checking her watch and revealing that its been 15 minutes since she last had sex

As Kelly becomes frustrated with Carlos being old-fashioned, Bud and Esmerelda have several rounds of sex. By the time Kelly's date with Carlos is over, Bud is shown looking exhausted but happy, with his clothes torn to shreds and declaring that he is no longer horny. As he looks up to the ceiling and says, "Take me now!", Fawn arrives at the front door and says "That's what I'm here for!". He becomes horrified as Fawn comes in with a seductive grin and reveals that its been a whole 15 minutes since she had sex and needs it right now. She grabs Bud's arm and drags him to his basement as he screams out "No más! No más!" (No more! No more!)

In "Spring Break (Part 1)", Fawn, Kelly, Mindy and Ashley find out that Bud and his friends, Achmed, Barney and Hummer are going to be spending Spring Break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. After trading a few insults, the guys head to Bud's room while the ladies wonder how they can also go to Spring Break despite having no money and the rooms are already booked to capacity. Kelly notes that those things didn't stop them from going to Las Vegas and Fawn notes that they also went to Monte Carlo. The ladies realize that the only way for them to go is to shameless flirt with Bud and his friends.

Achmed 7

Fawn taking advantage of Achmed in order to get his ticket along with $500

Fawn decides to target Achmed, using the same basic story as the other ladies: that she has a jealous boyfriend and that if she is able to send him out of town for a week, she could sleep with Achmed as a sign of gratitude. Unlike the other girls, she also ask for $500 spending cash, which Achmed quickly pulls out and hands to her without hesitation.

After the guys arrive at the Bundy residence the next morning, they eventually realize that they were tricked and robbed of their tickets and hotel. At the resort, Kelly and Fawn hang out in a jacuzzi before meeting VJ Dan Inwood, who reveals that they need a contestant from Chicago to participate in the Miss Spring Break pageant. He throws a coin up in the air for Kelly and Fawn to call, though Kelly is the only one to respond, by saying "Coin!", making her Dan's choice. Fawn congratulates her for being so lucky while Ashley is mad, as the word was on the tip on her tongue. After seeing Fawn and the girls mock them on live television as they dance to music, Bud and his friends team up with Marcy D'Arcy (who saw her husband as the resort dancing with younger women) and plan to drive down to Florida to get revenge.

In her last appearance, in "Spring Break (Part 2)" Fawn continues to party with her friends, while Bud and his friends try to make their way to Florida. At one point, Kelly bumps into her father and his friends at a party. Fawn and the other girls cling onto Griff and Jefferson, who convinces them that they are Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson. Though the moment is short lived as Ashley leads the girls to someone that looks like George Clooney. Later, Fawn, Ashley, and Mindy bring several on-duty lifeguards with them back to the party.

On the day of the pageant, Fawn and the other girls try to help Kelly out by sabotaging the stage for the other contestants, such as throwing marbles on the stage floor. After Kelly is announced as the winner, Bud, pretending to be actor Joey Lawrence gets on stage and express his anger with Kelly and "The Three Slut-kateers". He then reveals that the judges were her father, his business partner and their next door neighbor, which leads to her being booed off stage. Fawn and the other girls are last shown screaming and running from Achmed, Barry and Hummer as they chase the girls across the beach.


