Married with Children Wiki

Fern is one of Peggy's friends from the neighborhood.


Fern and the other neighborhood girls Louise, Fanny and Sheila meet Peggy's house while their husbands, including Fern's husband Barry, whose name she can not remember for a moment until Peggy reminds her, are out bowling with Al. When they sit down to eat cake and Louise asks what Peggy's secret to getting to sleep with Al once a month is, Fern listens attentively as Peggy explains her trick. When Marcy comes over to borrow a cigarette a few minutes later to make her look trashy for her role play with Steve at a sleazy bar, Fern asks why she is going out if she is married. Marcy explains that it adds mystery and excitement to their love life and that she has sex every 36 hours to which all the girls frantically grab cigarettes and make their way to the bowling alley to claim back their husbands, starting a riot.

About two years later, Fern and Louise come over to Peggy's house to play poker. Louise asks Peggy if she's the new checker at the mini-mart and Fern adds that he could work his way through her college. They laugh and Peggy invites them to sit down for the game. When Kelly joins them and tells them that they all lost weight she smiles and says "thanks". Marcy asks Kelly if she has played before and Kelly answers "just with the guys" to which Fern responds "Well, ante up". When Kelly begins to take her shirt off, they all look at her in shock but begin to count their money and start playing after Peggy explains to Kelly how they actually play. As they play and Kelly wins every hand, Fern wonders if the guys are okay, referring to Al and the boys he went camping with, but Marcy assures her that they are surely okay since they are with Steve. When Marcy, Louise and her leave after the game is over, Fern notes that she lost her grocery money and that her husband is gonna go nuts but Peggy tells her not to worry and just to tell him that she has PMS and will kill him.

