Freddy was Bud's goldfish when he was five.
Freddy lived in Bud's room when he was young and Kelly was supposed to feed him. However, she rarely did so she convinced Bud to freeze him until they would find a cure for whatever was killing him.
When Bud finds him in the freezer years later, she admits that what was killing him was that they did not feed him. Bud looks upset at first but since they are starving and trying to find something to eat, calls dibs on the head because Freddy was his pet. Kelly objects and says she gets the head because she was the one who did not feed him. Bud shoots her a look but Kelly suggests to just fry him up and next time she gets a pet he can let it starve to death. Bud agrees and Kelly gets out a pan but he then changes his mind, saying that he just can not eat Freddy, as it was a fish he was proud to call his friend. Then he suggests to throw him in front of a car in hopes of getting some insurance money. They go outside but Bud throws him in front of an uninsured motorist and Kelly does not want to get into the car so they do not get any money after all.