Married with Children Wiki

Hey Paula is a 1962 pop love song by the duo, Paul and Paula (born Ray Hildebrand and Jill Jackson).

The song is heard in the Season 3 episode, "The Gypsy Cried"

Appearance on Married... with Children[]

In the Season 3 episode, "The Gypsy Cried", Marcy and Steve Rhoades invite Al Bundy and Peggy Bundy to accompany them on a flight to New York, as she will be assisting her boss, Mr. Vandergeld, at the "Women in Banking" banquet. Though Marcy invites the Bundys primarily to comfort her after a gypsy predicted that she would have bad luck, while the other 3 experienced good luck.

The song is briefly sung by Al and Peggy, as they are oblivious to the heavy turbulence and are just happy to be together in first class. Both Al and Peg sing only part of the first and second verse.


[Ray Hildebrand]
Hey, hey Paula, I want to marry you
Hey, hey Paula, no one else will ever do
I've waited so long for school to be through
Paula, I can't wait no more for you
My love, my love

[Jill Jackson]
Hey Paul, I've been waiting for you
Hey, hey, hey Paul, I want to marry you too
If you love me true, if you love me still
Our love will always be real
My love, my love

True love means planning a life for two
Being together the whole day through
True love means waiting and hoping that soon
Wishes we've made will come true
My love, my love

[Ray Hildebrand]
Hey, hey Paula, I've been waiting for you

[Jill Jackson]
Hey, hey, hey Paul, I want to marry you too

True love means planning a life for two
Being together the whole day through
True love means waiting and hoping that soon
Wishes we've made will come true
My love, my love
