Married with Children Wiki

International House of Pancakes (more commonly known by its acronym, IHOP) is a diner style restaurant, with a primary focus on breakfast food. It has over 1800 restaurants across the U.S., as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, South America and the Middle East. Most are open 24 hour a day, though some have set hours where required by law.

As its full name states, it is known primarily for its pancake platters, though they offer other standard diner style food such as hamburgers, steak and chicken tenders.

It is similar to another real life restaurant mentioned on MWC, Denny's. One of its most well known breakfast plates is the Rooty Tooty Fresh-N-Fruity, which consist of bacon, sausage, eggs. hash browns and a choice of fruit covered pancake, sharing a similar style to Denny's Grand Slam.

MWC guest star Cliff Bemis previously served as a spokesperson for IHOP from 1992 to 2002. He appeared in their television and radio ads as the character Cliff (and his brother Biff) telling viewers about the variety of food served at the restaurants.

References on MWC[]

In "The Mystery of Skull Island", Bud tells Al about his new rap persona, Grandmaster B and tried to fight a guy to impress his new girlfried, Kara. After the guy stood up, Bud said that the next thing he remembered was floating in a tunnel of light with grandma and Elvis at the other end. Al then asks him, "Grandma and Elvis? What'd you do, die and go to the International House of Pancakes?"

In "A Little Off the Top", while at the hospital, Peg asks Marcy to record Geraldo for her as the topic of the show is: "Men who leave their wives for IHOP waitresses".

In "Love Conquers Al", Al and Peggy convince Ephraim Wanker and Peggy's mother to go with them to the marriage retreat. Ephraim later tells Peggy that her mother is still mad at him after he told her that they were actually going to IHOP.

In "Crimes Against Obesity" Al reveals that he has a birthday coupon for IHOP and won't share it with the family. Kelly then says that Al is mean and convinces Bud that they should write a birthday card for their new future step-dad, "Lance".

In "Birthday Boy Toy" when trying to convince Bud and Kelly to let him star in their commercial, Al reminds them of the times that he would take them to IHOP and pretend to have seizures so they could get some Rooty Tooty Fresh-n-Fruity Pancakes. Kelly says that his performance back then wasn't exactly worthy of an award, but he quickly points out that the kids didn't seem to mind his performance while stuffing those pancakes into their pockets.

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