Married with Children Wiki

Igor, an inhabitant of Lower Uncton, is the great-great-great-great grandson of Poxilda, the witch who first cursed Seamus McBundy, and plunged the village into perpetual darkness.


As a fellow resident of Lower Uncton, he shares in the joy of killing off every last male Bundy and now waits for last of the male Bundys. He acts as an assistant to Winston, accompanying him to show the Bundys around London before bringing them back to Lower Uncton to kill them and lift the curse that has plagued their village.

It is implied, after they meet the Bundys at Heathrow Airport, that he and Winston are lovers. He insist that Winston call him "Merrill" as he had it legally changed and then complains that they haven't had any alone time in awhile. Later, he seems to a bit jealous and insist that they stay at the Savoy Hotel, saying that he had never been there despite Winston's plan to make the Bundys stay at "The fabulous dumpster by the Ritz in Lower Uncton".

In contrast to Winston, Igor has a personal reason to kill the Bundys, as it was his great-great-great-great grandmother that was insulted by Seamus McBundy. At times, he has to be held back by Winston or himself from killing Al and Bud on the spot.

After the failed attempt to hang the male Bundys in Lower Uncton, the residents chase the Bundys to the middle of nowhere, where the people of Upper Uncton await, having their own reasons to kill the Bundys as well. Eventually the three groups are stuck and argue who should kill the male Bundys. When Igor demands satisfaction for the insult, the villagers of both Upper and Lower Uncton see a way of making money: by filming the impending massacre by having Igor fight Al in a medieval joust. The leaders of the two groups Winston and Trevor also realize that they can make more money by selling merchandise and even a blooper reel tape. This eventually leads to the two men hugging and calling a truce.

Although Al dons his Polk High Panthers uniform and believes he can easily take on Igor, he doesn't realize that Igor is well skilled in sword combat, as the mayor stated that he is the 5 timed All European undefeated jousting champion. He appears in full chainmail and demonstrates his sword skills in front of Bud cutting down an armor set in one blow before getting in his face and growling.

Igor does overwhelm Al for most of the match, but makes the mistake of standing over him for the death blow, telling the defeated Al "Next time you play a man's game, wear a man's uniform!". At that point Al reminds him to not mess with an American who played high school football, and delivers a low blow of his own. He then gets back up and proceeds to dismantle his would-be executioner with a strong punch to the face. After a moment of gloating to the booing audience, he walks over and attempts to offer Igor a hand, but quickly spikes his football into Igor's mid-section, knocking him out.

Al's victory breaks the curse, which causes the darkness to lift over Lower Uncton. This in turn, renders the video and merchandise worthless and both villages are now no longer able to be a tourist attraction. Realizing that both villages are the true losers, the Upper and Lower Uncton villagers come together once again and decide to kill all of the Bundys. The whole Bundy family is forced to flee a mob of irate villagers.
