Jack Dallas is a private detective and minor character in the Season 6 episode of Married... with Children titled "Al Bundy, Shoe Dick".
He is played by MWC co-creator and writer Ron Leavitt.
After a pregnant Peggy Bundy tells Al to get another job, he arrives at a door that reads "Jack Dallas Private Eye", dressed in a suit and tie. Upon their initial meeting, Jack warns Al that things can get rough with the job, but he gives a confident smile and tells the detective that he played high school football. He then gets up and gives Al a visual inspection.
Although he looks like he is ready to become a private eye, Jack reveals that Al's actual job to clean up the office while he is out for the night before handing him a mop and bucket. Jack then wishes Al good luck and prepares to exit, but then stops to deliberately throw an empty bag of potato chips on the floor for Al to clean up.
While Jack was out for the night, a blonde, leggy femme fatale-type named Vanessa Van Pelt arrives at the office, seeking help from Jack. Al, who had been sobbing after realizing just how low he has fallen in life, is awestruck by her beauty and tells her that he is Jack Dallas' new partner. After partially listening to her story, he agrees to go with her to a family meeting, where her Uncle, Colonel Van Pelt, a wealthy eccentric, was to give away a valuable gem, The Pharaoh's Eye, which was a priceless family heirloom.
After the lights go mysteriously out moments before the Colonel was to read which family member was awarded ownership of the piece, Al is accused of the murder and then goes into hiding. After determining that he needs to prove his innocence, Al gathered up the entire family, and, after several wrong guesses, found the real killer, which turned out to be Vanessa!
As Vanessa is taken away by the police, a museum curator named Sandy issues Al $50,000 check, but, as he begins to celebrate his newfound fortune, it turned out literally to be just Al's dreams.
Al awakens to realize his nightmare of a pregnant Peg and Marcy (as well as all of the story elements from the first half of Season 6) were also only figments of his imagination, to his relief.