Married with Children Wiki

Jim Jupiter was a one-time character who in appeared in the episode of Married with Children titled "Dead Men Don't Do Aerobics" in Season 4. The role of Jim is played by actor Tom Lahm.


Jim appears to be a man in his 30s with an athletic physique. He is shown wearing spandex shorts and a blue tank top with his "Jim Jupiter" logo printed across the chest. After living with Peggy, his develops a belly and his posture has deteriorated, leading to him slouching on the couch and struggling to do simple exercises.


Before the Peg Bundy influence took hold, Jim Jupiter was a local aerobic instructor who also hosted a Chicago area TV fitness show. He was known to his viewers and fans as "The Healthiest Man in Chicago". Peggy and Marcy are shown eating bonbons while he worked out with his assistants and then makes a wheat grass and semolina shake. As they watch him, they admire his glistening physique while wondering how their husbands, Al and Steve, can also be lumped in as "Men" alongside Jim.

Jim announces that he will be drawing the name of a lucky Chicago resident for a contest where he will spend two whole weeks at their residence and personally train them. As it turns out, Peggy's name is pulled. Marcy is noticeably disappointed but tries to shrug it off and believe Steve is a real man and all that she needs. Immediately, Steve is heard outside the Bundy residence singing "A Wand'ring Minstrel, I", which changes Marcy's attitude and begs Peggy to let her watch when Jim arrives.

A few days later, he arrives at the Bundy residence. Kelly tries to shamelessly flirt with him, even trying bend over and pick up something to get his attention. But he tells her to bend from the knees instead of the waist, upsetting her and making her think that he is rather dumb. Peggy, who is also flirting with him shamelessly, finds out that he is interpreting her words as a sign that she really wants to work out. Al eventually comes home and sees him on top of Peggy. He complains to Peggy about that he wants to eat and then belittles Jim after finding out that he was a gymnast in high school.

Al continues on before Marcy and Steve arrive. As Marcy pushes her way through to look at Jim, Al and Steve mock Jim again for being a gymnast in high school, while boasting that football and marching band were where the real men were at. They then boast that they will go out and get themselves a pizza while the ladies work out. The two ladies start bickering as Jim makes them run in place to warm up. Marcy accuses her of stealing a whole chicken when she won the "Woman in Banking" award. Peggy then tries to make amends and reminds her that they are fiends, before quickly shoving Marcy out the door.

He then notices that Marcy has disappeared and hears her insult Peggy, but she quickly tells Jim to ignore her and that she's just going to sit down and watch him work out the rest of the two weeks. He quickly points out that its not suppose to work like that. Befuddled, Peggy asks what exactly was the contest suppose to entail. She is then shown struggling as Jim makes her run up and down the staircase, bend over and touch her toes, perform dumbbell curls and sit ups. After collapsing from push ups, he tells her that they have sufficiently warmed up, implying there is more exercises to come.

After trying to get up, she demands a bonbon, but Jim tells her no. She points out the there are two things that she wont do:

  1. Cook, clean, sow, vacuum, iron, and parent
  2. Exercise

Jim tells her that he loves a challenge and despite her repeated demand for a bonbon, he assures that he is strong willed and that this week will be a challenge.

Six days later, despite his determination, he succumbed to Peggy's will and became a couch potato. He is shown with a protruding belly and slouching on the Bundy couch. They bond on bonbons while watching Oprah.

Sometime later, Marcy compliments Peggy on looking good and believing that Jim's workout plan did help. They get ready to watch The Jim Jupiter Show, but noticed that he looks somewhat different. He is shown slouching on a recliner with a cigarette in his mouth and looking rather depressed. He eventually puts out his cigarette and struggles to exercise. Marcy notices the weight gain and double chin, but Peggy simply believes that Jim is pumped. As he continues to struggle to exercise, he coughs and sweats before crossing his arms and suddenly collapsing face first onto the studio floor. His assistants reveal that he is dead and then get into a fight as they both find out that he was their boyfriend.

Later, Al reads a newspaper article titled Healthiest Man in Chicago Drops Dead, revealing that Jim died from a heart attack and that his blood sugar level was high enough to kill three horses and cholesterol level "to dam the Mississippi". She is appalled by what she had done, and then demands Al and the kids adopt a healthy lifestyle. She cooks healthy meals for the family and forces them into getting more exercise.

Finally, after Peggy breaks down from the lifestyle change, Al tries to explain to her it was not her fault Jim dying. Rather, it was good health that killed him, as he believes Jim Jupiter purified himself to the extent he could not handle the unhealthy food the Bundys were used to.


