Judy is a mother of a young high school girl whom Bud meets as a phone call counselor for the Virgin Hotline, appears in the episode of Married... with Children titled "Dial "B" for Virgin" in Season 9. The part of Judy is played in the episode by Rhonda Aldrich.
About Judy[]
As a hotline operator/at-call counselor, the first and only call he receives is from an Esther, a lovely teen girl who calls for help after she's tempted to "take the plunge" and have sex for the first time after turning the TV on and watching the Billy character from Melrose Place take his shirt off.
Bud's brief career as a Virgin Hotline operater is a "success", as he, with his reluctance, keeps Esther from giving into her desire to have sex, as her mother Judy comes home.

Judy returns home to see that Bud has "counseled" virgin daughter Judy.

Judy offers herself to Bud, as sexy "compensation" for helping her daughter stay celibate!!
When Judy thanks Bud for answering Esther's call nad dropping by and counseling her, she admits to him that she wished that somethimg like the Virgin Hotline had been around when she was her daughter's age, as she says "I might have known who her father was!", as Bud, in referring to dad Al says, "Well, knowing who your father is isn't all it's cracked up to be."
When Judy asks him is there any way to repay him for his services, he tells her that according to the Virgin Hotline handbook, that he's not allowed to accept any kind of compensation, as she then, after ordering daughter Esther to her room to study, completely throws herself sexually at Bud, opening her blouse and flashing her breasts, replying "Even if it's these?", as the now eagerly aroused Bud replies. "Well, they didn't say anything about tips!"