Married with Children Wiki

June Morgan is one of Peggy Bundy's enemies from Wanker County who tries to seduce Al Bundy as part of her revenge.

She is played by actress Deborah Harmon.

Appearance on Married... with Children[]

June first appears at the Bundy Residence to the surprise of Al, who though it was just another day at home. She comes over with a bowl full of Weenie Tots and a can of beer for him. She then sits on the couch and tells Al that she is an old friend of Peggy's and ran into her in Barcelona, Spain. She claims that Peggy told her that Al was all alone back home and she offered to take care of him while Peggy kept looking for her father, Ephraim Wanker. She also notices that the house could use a woman's touch, which causes Al to happily agree to let her stay, upsetting Bud and Kelly.

Despite the kids' protest, Al assures them that he's doing this to outwit Jefferson D'Arcy , believing that June is actually a decoy Jefferson sent to trick him, as the two men are trying to outdo each other to be the top prankster within NO MA'AM.

The next day, Al brings home a six pack of champagne tallboys and a camcorder. He orders Bud and Kelly to hide in the backyard and record him being seduced by June, so he can have proof that he was on to Jefferson all along. He explains it as:

Now. Jefferson thinks that I will only go so far with June.

At which point he will declare victory
and tell everyone that I'm not man enough to cheat on my wife.
Instead, I will go on the attack, making June back up.
At which point I will declare victory and proudly tell everyone
that I am man enough to cheat on my wife.


As Al and the kids set up in the backyard, June comes downstairs and just then, Peggy calls. She leaves a voicemail, saying that she ran into June, who is actually her rival because Peggy stole her fiancée from her on their wedding day. She then mocks June for believing that she could steal Al away from her, cause June to erase the message and call out to Al.

She tries to tell Al that she accidentally forgot to back a dress, but Al shrugs it off, saying everyone makes mistakes, like he did by forgetting to put the tallboys in ice. She removes her robe to reveal that she is wearing a black negligee, causing a flabbergasted Al to pour the tallboy into his empty hand. She then flirts with him, noting how strong his arms before aggressively making out with him, much to the disgust of the kids.

As June demands that Al take her "in the worst possible way!", he stops for a moment and debates how far can he takes actually this to ensure his victory over Jefferson. He then decides to take it to limit and propose marriage, claiming that Peggy had arranged for a quick divorce while in Spain. He believes that June would then decline in disgust and reveal to him that Jefferson was behind this. Unfortunately for Al, June gladly accepts his proposal.

On the day of the wedding, Jefferson arrives at the Bundy residence and wonders why is everyone dressed up, but Al and the other NO MA'AM members believe that he is just playing dumb and won't admit that June was part of his prank. During the ceremony, Al is still convinced that June won't say "I do" and then rat Jefferson out, but that turns out to be false. After the minister asks Al if he will take June to be be his wife, he then turns to Jefferson and tells him he won't admit defeat and that he should just say that June was his plan all along. Jefferson gets up and reveals that his actual prank to top Al was bringing Peggy home, who arrives just in time, along with her dad.

Despite Al saying "I do" and attempting to put the ring on June, Peggy confronts June about stealing Al. June reveals that Peggy stole her fiancée at the Wanker Wedding Hole, but Peggy says that they were only 12 years old at the time and to get over it, before punching June in the face.

June is last seen laying unconscious on the laps of NO MA'AM members Officer Dan, Bob Rooney, and Ike, as Al is forced into renewing his vows to Peggy while a drunk Ephraim holds a shotgun to Al's back, just like on their wedding day 25 years prior to this.


