Leona, a portly customer who Al manages to insult at the shoe store, appears in the Season 6 episode of Married... with Children titled "So This is How Sinatra Felt". The part of Leona is played in the episode by Maggie Montgomery.
In the episode "So This is How Sinatra Felt", an angry Leona (whom Kelly and Bud, who were spying on Al as to find out who the secret admirer, who turned out to be a very sexy redhead named Ricki (Jessica Hahn), was) demands her money back as she tries to return a pair of pumps which she said split at the sides after she wore them just once. Al, whom Leona had insulted in saying that the shoes "were as worthless to me as a comb is to you!", then responds "Let me explain...See, it's just like an elevator. There's a two-ton weight limit on these shoes! What say I nail the soles directly to your feet? lt'll give you more traction when you're pulling the ice wagon!" before she replies "You'll be hearing from my attorney!"