Married with Children Wiki

Lynn Braxton (c.1952 - June 28, 2013) was an actress and wrestler, known as "Big Bad Momma", on the female wrestling program, Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling(or G.L.O.W.) during its third and fourth seasons.

She appeared on Married... with Children as her wrestling persona along with fellow G.L.O.W. members Babe, the Farmer's Daughter and Hollywood in the Season 4 episode, "You Gotta Know When to Fold 'Em (Part 2)".


She joined G.L.O.W. during its third season. As a wrestler, she was an intimidating powerhouse, known for her large frame with a painted face. Her character's persona was based on voodoo themes, which she would use to make her opponents do things that they would not do.

As an actress, she appeared on various television shows and movies during the late 1980s to mid 1990s in her Big Bad Momma persona. One notable exception was in a 1989 episode of Amen, where she played a mud wrestler named Maxine (one of the few times she is seen without make up on)

After the show was canceled, Braxton moved her family from Las Vegas to the desert town of Adelanto, California. For several years, she worked as an auto mechanic.[1]

She also appeared as herself in the 2012 documentary, GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.

Personal Life[]

In 1992, just six weeks after giving birth to her youngest daughter, Alice, Braxton was diagnosed with uterine cancer that eventually spread to her ovaries.

Braxton recovered but was diagnosed with cancer again in 2010, this time in her lower peritoneal cavity. She lost 205 pounds from the grueling treatment and was partially immobilized by a degenerative disc disease, forcing her to use a scooter.[1]


She passed away in June 2013 at the age of 61 after a battle with cancer. Tributes came from several of her G.L.O.W. members including Hollywood, who appeared with her in "You Gotta Know When to Fold 'Em (Part 2)", Little Egypt, and Gremlina[2][3]


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