Married with Children Wiki
For other characters with the name "Ralph" see Ralph.

Ralph is a minor character who attends Alpha's Idiot Party. He appears on Married... with Children in the Season 6 episode, "Hi I.Q.".

He is played by actor Christopher M. Brown.


After Bud Bundy sneaks into the party held by the group, Alpha, he finds out that it is actually an idiot party, where the members have invited the dumbest people that they could find and plan to mock them.

When he finds his sister, Kelly there, he tries to convince her that she's been duped and that she is at an idiot party, where she and the other guests will soon be mocked by those who believe they are highly intelligent. She refuses to believe him, thinking that he is simply jealous that he wasn't invited in the first place. To prove his point, he takes her around and has her introduce herself to fellow guests. The first guest she meets is a man named Delbert, who is a public school teacher in Los Angeles. Although surprised, she tries to play it off and believes that Delbert is just a substitute teacher.

Bud then has her meet another guest. The next guest reveals that his name is Ralph and he is a network executive, causing her to be even more concerned, but she is still not convinced. Finally Bud shows her a nearby wall, which has a picture of the winner from last year, Vice President Dan Quale.

As she is about leave in tears, feeling embarrassed that she is being duped by nerds, Bud catches up with her and reminds her that she can't keep running from her problems. Instead she needs to settle things the Bundy way: "Destroy their superior smiles with sheer pointless violence!" . Kelly then calls out to her fellow guests and tells them that they need to punch a nerd for tricking them into attending this party.

Ralph is last seen fleeing the area with Delbert and several others, as Bud and Kelly brawl with the remaining attendees.


  • Christopher M. Brown, who played Ralph, previous appeared in the 1980s sitcom It's Your Move as Alfred, one of the students at Van Burren High School. The series was created by MWC creators Ron Leavitt and Michael G. Moye and featured MWC star David Garrison as Norman Lamb, who became the English teacher to Alfred and the other teens on the show.