Married with Children Wiki

Ruben is one of Kelly's classmates from her Home Economics class at Polk High School in the Season 4 episode, "Peggy Made a Little Lamb".

He is played by actor Patrick J. Dancy


Before class, Ruben chats with two girls until the teacher walks in and everyone sits down. He sits upright and is constantly smiling. When Miss Beyer asks Kelly why can she not be more like him, she replies that they both like boys, to which Ruben turns around and gives her a smile.

After Peggy enters the class to finish her missing credits, the teacher asks who knows how to prepare cinnamon toast. Ruben looks around the class and when no one reacts, raises his hand. Smiling, Miss Beyer picks him and he explains at the blackboard in detail how to do it. She claps and tells him that it was magnificent, clearly proving that he is a teacher's pet. When he makes his way back to his chair, the girl who sits next to him trips him.

Miss Beyer explains that for the final exam they must complete one assignment, which they have to draw from a basket, until the next morning. When Ruben wants to pick his, she hands one to him, which turns out to be cinnamon toast and he is ecstatic. The next morning when he goes to show her his results, which he keeps under a cake cover, she gives him an A+ without even looking at it. After class they chat a little more.

