Married with Children Wiki
For other characters with the name "Sandy" see Sandy.

Sandy is an attractive woman who stops by Gary's Shoes & Accessories for Today's Woman to look for a pair of shoes. She appeared in the Season 1 episode, "Thinnergy".

She is played by actress, Elizabeth Edwards.


As Al Bundy talks to his co-worker, Luke Ventura about Peg and the diet she's put the family on, Sandy enters and asks for some help. Luke, using his practiced lines, is able to make her blush and giggle by telling her that the modeling agency is a few doors down. She tells him that she's looking for a pair of shoes and Luke offers to help her try some on, while giving Al a smug look.

A moment later, Steve stops by and asks Al for the name of the movie that they watched the night before. Al then decides to confront Steve about the Thinnergy book and how it is affecting Peg. Steve reveals that to get Peg back to her normal self, he has to do the diet with her, so they will both release how much they hate it together. He drives the point home further by saying "See, today's woman is strong, but now and then even she needs a little assurance".

Just then, Luke calls Al and Steve over. He reveals that Sandy is on her way to a job interview and isn't wearing a bra, so he asks them if they can notice it. All three men move in closely and check carefully (and repeatedly) to make sure her lack of bra for her interview is not noticeable. They all agree and reassure her that she is fine for the interview.

