Sheos is a short film created by Al Bundy and Kelly Bundy.
The film is shown on Married... with Children in the Season 9 episode, "Pump Fiction".
After arriving home from work, Al tells Peggy Bundy and Bud Bundy about his desire to get into the shoe publication, Shoe News after seeing his former co-worker, Luke Ventura, make the front page. Kelly, who is a student at The Larry Storch School of Acting, arrives home and tells the family that she has an assignment, where she has to make a short film. She tells her family that her instructor Larry Storch gave her the assignment to help her understand about working in front of and behind the camera, but she can't film anything until she has an ideas and tries to solicit ideas from her family. After the father and daughter duo struggle to figure how to achieve their goals of finding an idea in order to make a short film and getting featured in Shoe News, they eventually team up and work on the film.
The film was originally 8 hours long (7 hours of it being footage from when they left camera rolling and forgot about it), but they were able to cut it down to 3 and a half minutes. The Bundys' neighbor Marcy D'Arcy casts her doubt on the film, believing no one wants to see a film about shoes. Kelly tells her that she and her father believe in it so much, that they submitted it to the "Hammond Indiana Film Festival". Marcy becomes even more upset as Al tells her that they entered the contest as the prize was $10,000, as she tells them that the money is meant for starving and destitute artists.
The movie was titled Sheos, (an incorrect spelling of Shoes) and was a hit.
From what can be seen, the film talks about the origin of man's need for shoes.
Al, playing the pair of feet, is shown walking through a water filled inflated pool and onto muddy grass, as the narrator (also played by Al) explains that man had emerged from the water and stepped onto land "to escape from women and other blood sucking sea creatures".
The narrator explains that the cave people had to put something on their feet to keep them dry and safe from the elements. They had tried various ways such as using tree branches, slabs of rock, frying pans, and a pair of Bud's inflatable sex dolls.
Then, one day, according to legend, the great shoe man in the sky "who once scored four touchdowns in a single game" intervened and gave shoes to mankind.
Some say that there was no great shoe man in the sky, while others say that the answer won't be known until the other shoe drops.
A close up of Al is then shown laying on a chair with eyes closed and holding a shoe. He then whispers "Rosebud" before letting the shoe drop onto the muddy grass.
- Al Bundy as the narrator, feet, and shoe man in the sky
- Kelly Bundy as the woman who receives shoes
- Buck Bundy as Dog
- Bud Bundy as Not Bud Bundy
- Peggy Bundy as The Monster
Upon winning at the film festival and receiving a standing ovation, they received the $10,000 grant (with the stipulation that they must use the money to make another movie), which allowed them to make a sequel titled, A Day in the Life of a Shoe Salesman.
A Day in the Life of a Shoe Salesman[]
The movie starred Al, where he sells shoes to several attractive women in bikinis who then offer to make love to him.
Although Kelly expresses her displeasure with the direction Al is taking with the film, feeling that it has strayed from their original vision, she eventually changes her tune after he reveals that it will also feature a handsome muscular man who plans to take over the mall. Al also uses the money to hire his friends from NO MA'AM to help with production.
Marcy tries to halt production by bringing Alderman Kuczxynski to show him how taxpayers money is being wasted on smut like Al's film. Just then, one of the girls stands up and asks "Sugarcakes" if he still remembers her, implying that she and the alderman may be involved in a sexual relationship. Marcy demands that the Alderman intervene, but Al tells her that he will not as the grant was given to him by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) to make a movie about his life without interference. After declaring that she will take her complaint all the way to Washington D.C., Marcy storms out, as the Alderman stays behind to watch the rest of the shoot.
A month later, after Al wonders why it was taking so long for the film to be reviewed, it is revealed that Congress in a unanimous decision, agreed to disband the NEA for sponsoring the film. Despite hearing this, Al gleefully smiles as he also found out at the same time that he made the front page of Shoe News, with his picture and the headline, GIANT IDIOT MAKES MOVIE.