Married with Children Wiki

Susan is a classmate of Kelly Bundy in the Senior Class at Polk High School and a notable "bad girl" in her Home Economics class. She was played by actress Zoe Trilling.


Not much is known about Susan except that she's friends with Kelly and is obviously a bad influence in her life, inviting her to go vandalizing a local graveyard. When Peggy Bundy has to take the class to get her diploma, she prods a student out of her seat to sit next to Kelly and behind Susan. When she overhears Susan's graveyard plan, Kelly is forced into a position where she has to gently protest at least for the sake of Peggy.

Susan is also given to making sarcastic and potential rude comments. When Peggy arrived and asked if she is late for class, Susan unapologetically adds she's late by "about twenty years," a reference to Peggy's age. Susan also extends her leg and tries tripping Ruben, a classmate, to puncture his self-esteem from being the teacher's pet.

When Miss Beyer, the home economics teacher, explains that the class must complete one assignment for the final exam, Susan can be seen stalling as the class line up to pull recipes from a basket. Susan eventually turns up at the end of the line and reacts with concern to Kelly's disdain at having to make Jell-O.

It's not revealed what dish Susan has to make for her final exam, but she turns up back in line to turn in her dish behind Kelly the next day. She's last seen at the classroom door calling Kelly to appear in the graduation picture.



  • Susan's invitation to go the graveyard resembles Shirley Finnerty, Zoe's character in the 1990s movie, "Night of the Demons 2," who has a party in a haunted mortuary and simulates a ritual sacrifice.