Married with Children Wiki

T.C.. a dental office assistant, is a character who appeared on the season 4 episode of Married... with Children titled "Tooth or Consequences" . The part of T.C. is played in the episode by former porn and now B-movie actress Traci Lords.


T.C. appears to be a busty and attractive, but ditzy blonde in her early 20s. Although she is supposed to be a professional dental assistant, she seems rather inept at her job, forgetting about another patient and shamelessly flirting with her employer, Dr. Plierson (played by Joe Flaherty), in front of Al Bundy. She is also a gold digger, as she uses the doctor's credit card to buy herself a fur coat.


She is first introduced as she escorts a nervous Al Bundy into the office. She then reminds him that he needs to give her the plush ducky as it belongs to a young boy in the waiting room. She also reassures Al that the doctor is wonderful and shows off her beautiful smile, though Al seems more interested in her lovely chest that is right in front of his face

Dr. Plierson, the dentist who Al has to see for his teeth problems, arrives and suggests that he gives Al Novocain and he'll have a couple of shots to make this procedure easier.

Some time later, he and T.C. then both proceed to take pictures and video for future reference. She then tells him that she'll head home early and offers to pick up some adult videos for the night. Before she leaves the room, she stops to ponder if she forgot something important, like unplugging the iron or taking her birth control pill before the sound of a woman screaming out for the dentist is heard. She then gleefully remembers that another patient, Mrs. Higginbottom, is spitting out teeth.

Al and the dentist bond over how marriage ruins women and that, as men, they can always take comfort in adult magazines. He tells Al that he is an OK guy and promises that he will do his best to make sure Al doesn't feel a thing. Suddenly, T.C., in a fur coat comes in and informs the doctor that his ex-wife's lawyer is on the phone. He then notices the coat and she tells him that she used his card to buy it, despite buying a very similar one yesterday. She also notes that it is even more expensive, causing him to refer to her as a gold digger after she leaves.


