Married with Children Wiki

The Leading Bank of Chicago is the financial institution at which Marcy D'Arcy and her then-husband Steve Rhoades were both employed as loan officers on Married... with Children, up until the Season 2 episode "If I Were a Rich Man". Marcy then gets hired for a new better paying position at Kyoto National Bank, so Steve is promoted into her old position as a manager at The Leading Bank.


In its first appearance, Al visits the bank when Steve is the last employee there and is tasked with putting "Next Window Please" signs up for the next day, despite it being normally busy. He is also shown approving his own car loan, following his promotion at work. He later becomes depressed and accuses Al of stealing $1 million after he and Al decide to hang out in the bank vault. It was finally cleared up after Marcy tells him that she had stopped by the bank to visit him and found out the bank lost the money due to a computer error involving a transfer to Munich, Germany.

Although Steve seemed to do well at this job, he did run into trouble when he attempted to win a trip to Hawaii by winning a contest to see which loan officer could underwrite the most amount of money mortgaged. Steve had been approving loans for applicants with bad credit or no credit, which attracted the attention of the bank's president. Steve had just approved a loan for Al Bundy, who had sought a loan to finance his idea of a shoe hotline. Steve underwrote a $50,000 loan, using the Bundy residence as collateral, even though Al estimated he only needed $18,000 in seed money. (Steve's real reason for the generous loan was to outdo a rival loan officer and win the contest). After Al departs the bank, the bank president warns Steve that Al holds Steve's career in his hands, that should Al default on the loan, Steve's employment is terminated.

Sometime later, Marcy attempted to get Steve his old job back at The Leading Bank of Chicago. Although he agreed to meet her at the bank, he forgot about it as he had planned a trip to the aquarium with Peggy, Kelly, and Bud. After realizing that he messed up, Al turns on the television, where it is revealed that Marcy was at the bank when a robbery took place. As she is interviewed on the scene, she explains that as the robber held her at gunpoint, she threw up, causing him to slip, but also wounding her through her hand. Despite the injury, she looks directly at the camera and criticizes Steve for going to the zoo again.



