Married with Children Wiki

The Sharper Infant is a store on MWC, where Marcy and other pregnant women go to shop for their infants (and to also drain their husbands wallets).

Appearance on MWC[]

It is first referenced in season 6's "Looking for a Desk in All the Wrong Places", when Marcy visits the Bundys with a Sharper Infant bag in her hand, referring to it as having "everything for the upwardly mobile baby" and telling them that the store's motto is "Don't believe the father, you really can afford it!". Marcy then pulls out the catalog for the store and shows off its nursing bra section. Jefferson points out that at the store there is nothing but pregnant women there.

The pink bag can be seen later on in season 8's "Scared Single" when Al takes Aaron to the New Market Mall lounge.


  • In reality, The Sharper Infant is a parody of the now-defunct store, The Sharper Image. The Sharper Image was known for selling offbeat consumer electronics, such as air purifiers, massage devices, shower radios, camera glasses and other unique electronics, though by 2008, the store filled for bankruptcy due to lack of consumer spend and the controversy over its Ionic Breeze device. Although the physical stores have been closed since 2008, the store still functions online and also licenses its name and products to various retail stores such as Bed, Bath and Beyond.