Married with Children Wiki
Wikia MWC - Lower Uncton in the '90s

Lower Uncton in the 1990s and darkness

Lower Uncton is a traditional countryside village located in England. Its residents are set on killing the last of the male Bundys, due to a curse placed on the village that has left them in complete darkness for hundreds of years.

It is featured in the three part Season 6 finale, consisting of "England Show (Part 1)", "England Show (Part 2)" and "England Show (Part 3)".


In the 17th century, Al's ancestor, Seamus McBundy, insulted a witch named Poxilda after she demanded that he work faster on making horseshoes. She proceeded to place the Bundy Curse upon him and the village by blocking the sun and leaving the residents in complete darkness (as well as cursing Seamus and his descendants to suffer from foot odor and to "only shoe the large and ungrateful").

In the present day, the town historian, Winston McPhee and Mayor Fivshaw, tell the residents of Lower Uncton they have spent the last four centuries killing any of the male decedents of Seamus in the hopes of breaking the curse. Winston reveals that there are only two remaining male Bundys left: Al Bundy and his son, Bud Bundy and that they must find a way to bring them to England and kill them within the village.

Sometime later, in Chicago, the Bundys find out that they had just won a free trip to England. Upon arriving in the country, they are picked by Winston and his lover, Igor, who pretend to be chauffeurs. Meanwhile, a rival village, Upper Uncton wants to kill the Bundys. Led by hired assassin, Trevor, their goal is to kill the Bundys before they reach Lower Uncton in order to keep the darkness on the Lower Uncton side, and allow Upper Uncton to remain a popular tourist attraction.

After spending time and money in the posher parts of London, Al, Bud and Peggy are brought to Lower Uncton, while Kelly ditches them to hang out in London. While partying at a night club, Trevor informs her that her family will be in danger if they stay in Lower Uncton, while omitting the fact that he wants them to die outside of the village.

While in Lower Uncton, the rest of the Bundys are unaware of the total darkness, as well as the execution platform and coffins being made for Al and Bud. During their stay in a manor, Bud is visited by his ancestors who warn him about the village's plan. The next day, despite it being pitch black at noon Bud's warning, Al continues to believe he is being treated as a beloved guest until Winston reveals that they are going to hang Al and Bud.

Kelly arrives just in time and saves the family. As they flee from the angry mob, Kelly leads them to an ethereal area that serves as the borderline between Upper and Lower Uncton. She proceeds to explain that a man in London warned her about the family being killed, before Trevor emerges from one side, with several armed men. As the Bundys try to turn and run back to Lower Unction, they are confronted by the villagers armed with pitchforks and torches.

During the standoff between the two villages and the Bundys, Igor reveals that he is the great-great-great grandson of Poxilda and wants revenge. Eventually the two villages come to a truce and work out a deal, where Al and Igor will fight in a jousting match in Upper Uncton and even find ways to profit off of Al's possible death. Despite Igor being a five time European jousting champion, Al won the match, which causes Lower Uncton to finally see daylight. Seeing that both villages were the true losers (as Lower Uncton is revealed to be an unattractive farmland with no crops and Upper Uncton no longer being a tourist attraction, as well as losing out on the expected profits), Trevor and Winston agree once more for both villages to come together and brutally murder all four of the Bundys, as the family tries to outrun the massive mob.


  • Mayor Fivshaw
  • Winston McPhee - Town Historian
  • Igor
  • Lower Uncton Local
  • Castle Maid
  • Several children


  • The filming location used for the village of Lower Uncton, is Chilham, a village located in Kent County, primarily known for its agriculture.[1]
  • The castle that the Bundys stay at in Lower Uncton is Chilham Castle, a manor house in Chilham village that was built in 1616. [1]

External Links[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Married… with Children Season 6 (1992). Kent Film Office (May 3, 1992). Retrieved on May 21, 2023.