Married with Children Wiki

Trixie is a young girl who dates Bud Bundy twice during Season 5, in the episodes "The Dance Show" and "All Night Security Dude".

The part of Trixie is played in both episodes by Dorit Sauer.


She appears to be a young and attractive lady likely between 17 and 18 years old with long brown messy hair. She is usually wearing rather revealing clothing, such as a little black dress in "The Dance Show" and a low cut red top and short skirt with no bra in "All Night Security Dude". She is usually seen playing with her hair and making loud chewing sounds, as she is likely chewing bubble gum. Trixie appears to be as trashy as Kelly's reputation, but more expensive, as she demands that Bud pay for everything during their date.


In "The Dance Show", she first appears on the Bundy couch with Bud discussing what to do for their date. He tells her that whenever she is with him, the world is her oyster. She insist that she be fed and doesn't want to take the bus. Just then, Al Bundy arrives and Bud asks him for $20. When he sees Trixie giving her doe eyes and playing with her hair, he realizes what the money is for. He then tells his son "She's a tramp!", before happily giving his son the money. As Trixie takes Bud by the hand and heads out the door, her personality changes, as she smiles and says that she loves his cologne scent. He then turns to his dad and quips "Yeah right!".

In "All Night Security Dude", after Al takes a job at Polk High School as a nighttime security guard, he ends up on the hallway floor crying. Just then, Bud and Trixie walk by and see Al. She reveals that their date plan was for them to go to a night club, where he'll pay for both of them and if she can't find anyone cool, then she'll sit with him for awhile. Convinced that Trixie really likes him. he asks Al for some money to take her out, but it ends up leading into a story about how he lead the Polk High Panthers to victory in the 1966 City Championship. Despite Bud pleading for him to hurry up and even pointing out that she isn't even wearing a bra, Al goes into the details about the game, where he fought against Andrew Johnson High and its star player "Spare Tire" Dixon. Finally, after realizing that winning the championship game was the highlight of his life, he breaks down and cries again. Trixie comes up to Bud and tells him that when her dad got as emotionally depressed as Al, her family shot him. Bud then tries to convince her that Al isn't his actual father, but just someone he knows and "Dad" is his nickname. Not believing his story, she walks back down the hallway as Bud continues to try to convince her and then pleads for a "Sympathy feel".



  • Trixie, along with Amber and Ariel, has the distinction of dating Bud in more than one episode of MWC.

