Married with Children Wiki

Uncle Henry was an uncle of Peggy Bundy who had recent passed away and is mentioned in the Season 3 episode, "Eatin' Out".


Not much detail is mentioned about him. It is implied that he was elderly and had health and memory issues, as Kelly had to pretend that he was his mother, while Bud had to tend to his carbuncles.

Peggy noted that he was a cheapskate, as he would only buy day old bread that was on sale, since he would toast it anyway. Peggy, Kelly, and Bud would sing a variation of "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" to emphasize this point.

Following his passing, Al and Peg receive an inheritance check for $237 and were going to spend it on a vacation for themselves, until Bud and Kelly catch them and force them back inside the house. The family debate about the newfound money, as the kids want all the money for front row tickets to see the band Tears and Vomit, while Peg insist that Uncle Henry would want her to have a bikini wax and perm. Eventually, Al convinces them that, as a family, they should go out and have a nice family meal together at a fancy restaurant.
