Married with Children Wiki
For other characters with the name "Vicky" see Vicky.

Vicky is a female character who asks Al Bundy for his opinion regarding the lingerie she is trying on in the Season 3 episode of Married... with Children titled "Her Cups Runneth Over".

Her scene was one of the cited reasons that led to Michigan housewife Terry Rakolta organizing the Rakolta Boycott which nearly got the show cancelled.

She is played by actress and Playboy playmate Devin DeVasquez.


Vicky is a young 20something year old female who is shopping at Francine's of Hollywood. While Al finishes up shopping for a bra for Peggy Bundy, Vicky calls out to him. Peaking her head out from the dressing room curtain, she proceeds to ask him for his opinion, as she is trying out lingerie and hopes to impress her boyfriend with it.

When she pulls back the curtain, she reveals that she is wearing a light pink bra and panties with a garter belt and light colored thigh high stockings. She proceeds to ask Al if he were her boyfriend, would he like it. Al, in a state of shock and awe, simply nods yes.

She then asks Al if her boyfriend might prefer it without the bra instead. She proceeds to quickly remove her bra and the sight of her bare breasts causes Al to faint. Vicky, now covering her breasts with her hands, smiles and interprets Al's fainting as a sign of agreement, and decides to not wear the bra.

