Married with Children Wiki

Yvette is an attractive woman who appears in two of Al Bundy dreams in the season 5 episode, "Al... with Kelly".

She is played by actress and Playboy playmate, Pamela Anderson.


She appears to be an attractive blonde haired woman in her 20s and wears a pink teddy.


After Peggy Bundy and Bud Bundy visit Peg's Mom and Kelly Bundy leaves for the night, Al decides to go to bed. As he rest, he hears a woman calling his name and touching him. Believing that it is Peg who is ruining his alone time, he gets up only to find instead a beautiful young woman in a pink teddy in Peggy's spot. She continues to touch his chest and asks if she has to beg, to which he tells that begging will not be one of the many things she will be doing for him. As she comes in to embrace him, Kelly, who now has a cold, calls out to him and enters the room, seeing Al embracing a pillow.

Yvette and yvonne 2

Yvette and Yvonne wrestling each other before deciding to have Al join them

Later, as Al tries to sleep again, he is happy awaken by Yvette, who is touching his chest and calls him by name, saying "as in Al I Want". Suddenly, Al's other fantasy girl, Yvonne arrives. Both ladies demand to know who the other is, but Al has an idea. He decides to hop out of bed and with a nearby camera setup, he will make the two ladies wrestle for him. The winner will have him first and the loser will get him second, and then they can continue the match all night long for him. As the two wrestle, they eventually realize that despite the two agreeing to wrestling each other, they think it would be much better if Al joins them. Al happily agrees and as he jumps into bed, the fantasy is ended once again by Kelly, as she calls out to him, causing him to land in a now empty bed.


  • Pamela Anderson, who plays Yvette, also plays another lady in Al's fantasy, in the Season 5 episode, "Route 666 (Part 2)".