Yvonne is an attractive woman who appears in two of Al Bundy dreams in the season 5 episode, "Al... with Kelly".
She is played by actress and member of GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling), Becky Mullen.
She appears to be an attractive blonde haired woman in her 20s. In her first appearance, she is dressed in a conservative business outfit, with glasses and neatly tied up hair. She later removes her glasses, lets her hair down and opens hers business jacket, revealing a sexy red top.
As she mentions to Al, she is a wealthy business executive and gives her paycheck to Al. Al said the only activities he did while she was at work was to watch television and guzzle beer, which seems to be a role reversal of how Peggy is a do-nothing go-nowhere while Al works in the real world to put food on the table.
After Peggy Bundy and Bud Bundy visit Peg's Mom and Kelly Bundy recovers from a cold in the living room, Al decides to go to bed. As he rest, a woman enters the bedroom and informs him that she is home. Dressed in business attire and glasses, she tells Al that despite being a wealthy business executive, she would prefer not to bore him with the details and instead, gives him her entire paycheck. She then asks what he did for that day and he reveals that he just watched televsion and drank beer. She tells that she thinks that he clever and then removes her jacket and lets her hair down, telling him to do whatever he can with her. As she jumps into bed with Al, the moment is ruined as Kelly rings her bell and calls out to him.

Yvette and Yvonne wrestling each other before deciding to have Al join them
Some time later, Yvonne arrives home from work again, only to find another of Al's fantasy girls, Yvette sharing the bed with him. Both ladies demand to know who the other is, but Al has an idea. He decides to hop out of bed and with a nearby camera setup, he will make the two ladies wrestle for him. The winner will have him first and the loser will get him second, and then they can continue the match all night long for him. As the two wrestle, they eventually realize that despite the two agreeing to wrestling each other, they think it would be much better if Al joins them. Al happily agrees and as he jumps into bed, the fantasy is ended once again by Kelly, as she calls out to him, causing him to land in a now empty bed.